Concept for my book title

Today I managed to learn some cool text effects and typography tricks on gimp and made a concept design for the title of my WIP novel. Feeling too tired to write, I played around following this awesome metallic text tutorial and put together the concept. Almost looks professional, doesn’t it?

Though this looks more like a romance design rather than dark epic fantasy. I need to pick a more suitable font next time I try.

It took me about 2 hours to figure out the typography stuff. As a first timer, putting this together was not an easy task. Doing the steps of the tutorial took about half an hour. But once you get the hang of it, it gets a lot easier and takes less time. Besides, you can save the steps of what you do as layers in your gimp .xcf file, so it’s hell of a lot faster to duplicate the same thing with different texts.

My artistic side has been neglected since I took up writing and it has been complaining louder and louder as weeks passed by.  This book cover design business worked out quite well. Now I can resume writing my missing chapters!



10 thoughts on “Concept for my book title

  1. My lack of artistic ability – or even the ability to identify shades of color, let alone complimentary colors, has left me grateful to the many skilled artists I know willing to let me pay them a modest commission to create awesome book cover art for me.

    Assuming, of course, I ever finish a book.


  2. Leona, thank you for following my book blog. You are a fantastic artist!! I am an artist, also, but like you, my artistic side has taken a backseat at the moment for writing. I long to get back into it, though, and have been creating some cards and tags in order to keep that creative side flowing. Also working a drudgery job doesn’t give me much time for art, so keeping faith that will change. Some of my art can be seen on my original blog, Leisure Lane. If you’d like to take a peek, you can get there from my book blog.

    I shall link your blog on mine. Have a happy and blessed day,


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